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Visiting in July

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Postby Philmon on May 29th, 2017, 6:57 pm
I'll be visiting in July with some GP family members, (ugh) and it's their first time at SFGAm. How should I go about riding things? Obviously Joker should be our first ride, but what should I do next? What gets the longest lines? I've been going to GAm for years but I haven't really thought of this. I hope we get there before opening and leave right at closing.

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Postby batmanfan80 on May 29th, 2017, 9:53 pm
Try to go the first two weekends. Every year I've gone it's gotten 10x worse from the 3rd weekend in July onward. There's some websites you can look up the ride times on, they're semi-accurate. Everything is capable of having a long line. Joker line took like 20 minutes Saturday and tonight might've had 1000 people waiting. It was overflowing bigtime. Speed of operations and amount of flash passers matter as much as line length. Flash passers really increase the later in the season it gets. Superman is always slow and the queue is very exposed too. It's probably next to impossible to ride everything in one day unless stuff is a walk up or you don't do anything else but go on rides.

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Postby Viper 88 on May 30th, 2017, 12:01 am
Get a flash pass if possible It will really trim the waiting (gold or higher). Do not tailgate. Water rides will be jammed if it is sunny and warm not so much if the forecast calls for rain. I would say Joker Goliath then X Flight Bull then the waters if time allows. The bumper cars NEVER move so if possible avoid them if they aren't your first ride forget it. As for leaving do not go as soon as the park closes. Linger and let the heard thin out eat a funnel cake browse shops waiting a half hour even 45 minutes makes a world of difference.
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Postby Philmon on June 19th, 2017, 1:53 pm
Update, we might be getting a flash pass (regular) how much would that change things?

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Postby Whizzer Whiz Kid on June 19th, 2017, 2:00 pm
Just make sure to reserve your next time as soon as you check in for the ride. That way, you can start waiting in the "line" while you are waiting in the station.
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