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SFGAm 2013 Updates 9/14 Update

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Postby DejaVu2001 on April 23rd, 2013, 8:52 pm
X Flight is up there, not sure whether X Flight or Batman has top priority for second train. Superman is last priority after X Flight, Batman, and Whizzer all have 2 trains.

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Postby SFGAm#1Fan on April 23rd, 2013, 9:01 pm
It would be nice to have both namtaB and X Flight with two trains but since namtaB will be the bigger draw for opening weekend, I would assume it has priority over X Flight. Thats just my guess.
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Postby JimPanky on April 23rd, 2013, 9:47 pm
lol namtab

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Postby BURTONxBLUNT on April 23rd, 2013, 9:49 pm
i could only guess they would want namtab to be up and fully operational before other rides since its the big "hype" for this season to attract more guests!
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Postby DejaVu2001 on April 24th, 2013, 4:33 pm
igNight. From SFGAm's Twitter.

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Postby BURTONxBLUNT on April 24th, 2013, 5:13 pm
check out the front gate coming together(sfgamtwitter)
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Postby Superman on April 24th, 2013, 7:13 pm
The igNight construction has me very worried, but I am excited to see the finished entrance. It looks like the new security checkpoint is going to resemble the old ticket booths pretty well. It's good to see they're not just throwing up some generic looking booths.
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Postby DeathbyDinn on April 24th, 2013, 7:43 pm
^ Yeah, it's too bad we didn't have any unused ampitheaters they could've put it in. :wink:

Kidding aside, kinda surprised to see Six Flags put this much effort into a show. I am really looking forward to it as the concept art looks pretty cool, I just hope they put as much effort into putting everything back when Ignite is done. And I'm happy with the new entrance as well. The old one still looked much better, but at least they didn't turn it into an ugly flat box like SFSTL.

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Postby BURTONxBLUNT on April 24th, 2013, 7:49 pm
alls i know is this Ig night show i can see lasting only a couple of years than going down the drain because the upkeep with the fireworks and stuff! i mean it looks amazing and i cant wait to watch it but i cant see this staying very long
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Postby DejaVu2001 on April 24th, 2013, 8:33 pm
Another igNight photo from SFGAm's Twitter.

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Postby PfightingPolish on April 24th, 2013, 9:05 pm
Superman wrote:It looks like the new security checkpoint is going to resemble the old ticket booths pretty well. It's good to see they're not just throwing up some generic looking booths.

I must admit, this stunned me in a good way. I didn't expect this at all. I suppose there's still time for me to be disappointed by a plywood roof or something, but what we're already seeing is better than what I expected.

You know, I keep going back to when the new corporate ownership group took over and seemed to indicate the parks would be getting to run somewhat more autonomously. I look at what has happened since then — starting with Screams and Dreams, but continuing with X-Flight and namtaB (a return to emphasizing big, unique thrills), the return of classic shows and a new big one in igNIGHT, and some of the little things like the restaurants and this gate ... I can't help but think about how much Hank tends to like to talk about the park's history and legacy when you see him in videos and interviews and how it seems like he, far better than anyone at the national corporate level, seems to understand why us loyal fans are so loyal.

You guys may totally shoot me down on this, but Hank and his staff, to his credit, seem to "get it." And I think there's finally Six Flags management in place that allows him to get it. I think they get that a big part of the charm of the park now is how it reminds parents of what they experienced as kids, while still giving small kids the chance to experience some of the awe and wonder and middle-sized kids the chance to get their thrills. Sure, modern times and budgets will never allow the true Marriott experience to return, but I think Hank has recognized that a big mistake on the part of past administrations was eliminating a lot of that charm, and I think he's taking what baby steps he can to fix it, or at least maintain what's left.

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Postby SFGAm#1Fan on April 24th, 2013, 9:32 pm
I hope that they saved the flags that sat on top of the old ticket booths and place them on top of the new security check points. That would make it look really nice.

On a side note, they are distributing season pass coupon books next week Monday through Friday! (Though most of you probably knew about that already)
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Postby Radical-Illusion on April 24th, 2013, 9:47 pm
Wow! Looks like they finally started with the IgNight construction. Although my guess is that we will expect to see some construction fences up for at least a couple weeks. The front gate also looks nice! I cant wait for opening day though!
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Postby JimPanky on April 24th, 2013, 10:29 pm
I agree I love the direction Im seeing the park go lately. The screams and dreams shows are great I can't wait to see the third one! igNIGHT looks like it could really bump the park up a level. X-Flight was a great idea. Great to see sfga is still investing in great new B&M coasters that get guests excited to come out and ride the next big new thing.

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Postby JimPanky on April 24th, 2013, 10:30 pm
And Im also a huge fan of putting mac and cheese on hotdogs!

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Postby PfightingPolish on April 25th, 2013, 1:51 am
JimPanky wrote:The screams and dreams shows are great I can't wait to see the third one!

I'm not going to say the "Screams and Dreams" shows are tremendous theater. A college intern could do the editing and shooting required to put those together. And, the more recent they get with the rides & shows they cover, the more it will start to feel like an extended advertisement for things you could actually be doing in the park rather than sitting in the slowly-decaying Pictorium (paint the exterior or get rid of it already).

But the series shows that some people in the back care about the unique history of the park the way some of us do. And, considering it looked for a while like Six Flags didn't care and even encouraged its employees and guests not to care, either, just the effort and turnaround is awesome.

The first one, though, was particularly touching. For those of us who didn't get to experience Great America during the Marriott days (my first memories are from the mid 80's), you can't watch that and not think, "Man, the park looked really, really, REALLY good when it was brand new." From the service to the uniforms to the maintenance and care put into the themeing, holy cow. It was immersive.

Yes, the singing and dancing was cheesy, but it seems the park was designed to be more of an entertainment resort for people of all ages than the thrilling theme park we come to think of out of Six Flags and Cedar Fair today, so some Branson-esque elements shouldn't come as a surprise. I remember seeing promo shots of the Barney Oldfield and elderly people depicted riding with kids in the old-timey cars. Who would publicize someone over 70 going to a theme park and riding rides now (that isn't just made-up to look that way for comic effect and dancing to a Vengaboys song)?

It takes guts to say, "This is what it looked like then," when you know it doesn't look like that now, and in some cases, looks like they've simply let it go since then when you step right out of the theater. It's almost as if they're saying they have a respect for what it was and are actually starting to think of how they can live up to it as best as they can. And that's pretty amazing, considering.
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Postby JimPanky on April 25th, 2013, 9:59 am
It just really adds to the experience to have a show about the park. It's important to have something in the park about the park's history. And I didnt think the second one was that bad. The first one was really cheesy but that's because the 80's were cheesy. lol

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Postby RagingBull14 on April 27th, 2013, 1:19 pm
Looks like they got Superman:UF running. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =3&theater

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Postby DejaVu2001 on April 27th, 2013, 1:58 pm
Based on the wait times on RideHopper, looks like X Flight and Superman are both running 1 train for the private events. Yay :lol:

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Postby Goku1910 on April 27th, 2013, 3:57 pm
....Like we didn't see that coming. Knowing them, X-Flight won't get train 2 until SUF get's it's 2nd train.
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Postby BURTONxBLUNT on April 27th, 2013, 4:04 pm
Opening day is going to be h***

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Postby CstrFan512 on April 27th, 2013, 4:50 pm
As long as they have namtaB up and running, ill be happy. That's all I'm going for.

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Postby DeathbyDinn on April 27th, 2013, 6:50 pm
What's really surprising is that Ride Hopper says Buccaneer Battle has a wait.

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Postby DejaVu2001 on April 27th, 2013, 9:48 pm
^ If that's legit, that is terrifying :lol:

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Postby PfightingPolish on April 28th, 2013, 2:12 am
DeathbyDinn wrote:What's really surprising is that Ride Hopper says Buccaneer Battle has a wait.

This does not surprise me, as I believe most people are patiently waiting for Buccaneer Battle — to be removed.

(Won't happen for a while, but we can dream.)

(Idea! Take the Jester's Wild Ride car and float that around in the Buccaneer Battle pool. Those guns will get a lot more popular. Only problem is, it might fall through the slits in the drain.)
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