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Suggestion: employee lounge

For any questions, comments, problems or suggestions about anything on this website.
Postby forddude1416 on April 2nd, 2007, 12:52 pm
How about a forum for all the past and present employees can talk about stuff? It would be nice if it could be hidden from normal view or maybe only members who have verified that they have or do work there currently can post. Just an idea.
[quote="jackluver18"]^Doesn't have a Signature[/quote]

[quote="Coaster Boy"]My sister locked me in a Car Trunk.[/quote]

[quote="David"]What's really funny, is that you think I'm from the GP (General Public). When indeed, I most likely know far more about the coaster, as I've rode it multiple times. [/quote]

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Postby RagingBullFan on April 2nd, 2007, 2:32 pm
First, if you read the employee guidelines posting pretty much anything on the internet, be it here or anywhere else is cause for termination.

Second, even if it was "hidden" I would still have to grant the park access to it. And I don't want it to become a gripe fest.

Third, there are some things which are supposed to stay a trade/company secret, or are litigation liabilities. By saying you work at the park that can be taken as a "voice of the park" of which that is Public Relations and ONLY public relations job. Employees are not to speak on behalf of the park.

And this goes for any employees, please really really think before you post. I'm not saying don't post anything but don't post anything that in any way you think may jeopardize your job. If the park comes to me asking to identify an employee that we know the name of, we will have to give them that information because we're not going to fight in court about it.
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