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S:UF to be a dud

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Postby coastrcorey on May 7th, 2003, 8:20 pm
Wow... Some people are wimps... lol :lol:

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Postby SfGaMownz on May 7th, 2003, 8:25 pm
Yeah plummiting to your death :roll: .

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Postby coasterzak on May 10th, 2003, 10:27 pm
Impotent? That ride can't be any worse then rough wooden coasters that you get stapled in. It isn't rough on the groin is it? Vekoma's aren't, and I could actually sleep in their trains.

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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 10th, 2003, 10:39 pm
It is rough on the groin, the chest, and the shins. If you ride it a lot then after a while your body will hurt a bit.
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Postby CoasterDave316 on May 11th, 2003, 12:09 am
After my 40 rides on Media Day my shins and back were killing me, never had chest or groin problems lol. I found the restraints very comfortable the first 20 times around, anybody who complains after just a few trips is a wuss.
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Postby stolen_starz on May 11th, 2003, 1:16 am
I thought they were actually really comfortable. I didn't find them uncomfortable at all. The only ride I don't like as far as restraints go is Iron Wolf because it beats your head around. I think they should be a lil wider! Or shorter, I dunno, something so your head doesn't get so banged up. lol Does anyone else get a headache from Iron Wolf? I know it's kinda off S:UF for a second, but I was just wondering but I really thought it did and I don't want to start a new forum w/ the bandwidth issues. :?
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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 11th, 2003, 10:03 am
Im not complaining Im just stating what happened to me. Im not a complainer. About Iron Wolf. My head just gets banged around a little bit but I never get a head ache from it. After riding all the rides so many times a figured out ways to avoid getting head aches and what not. Yesterday I just figured out how to not hurt my shins and chest but not the groin sadly. Ill have to work on that last one.
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Postby coasterzak on May 11th, 2003, 10:25 am
Have any of you been on a Vekoma to make any sort of comparison?

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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 11th, 2003, 2:34 pm
Deja Vu is a Vekoma and Ive been on that plenty of times. Vekomas are kind of rough to begin with even when they are brand new. Deja Vus boomerang is a little rough but it doesnt hurt. B&Ms are always smooth. Iron Wolf isnt all that smooth only because it was the first ride they made. Batman for instance has been smooth for 11 years now. B&M make the best coasters out there.
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Postby GamRCFreak on May 11th, 2003, 2:55 pm
I think he was refering to a vekoma flyer and no I haven't been on one.

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Postby T_Biggs on May 11th, 2003, 2:57 pm
You know what, B&Ms can be rough. My last 2 rides on B:TR have had their fair share of headbanging. Iron Wolf is always rough, but not so bad if you ride in the back (you can see its comming and prepare yourself.) Deja Vu, I've hit my head maybe once. But really, none of that matters. If you can't take a little beating like that, don't ride anything. Hell, on Whizzer one time I got my ribs slammed on to the handles. The only ride thats been so bad it's worth complaining about that I've ridden is Gwazi. To solve my problem, I decided I won't ride it again (if I ever go back, I probably will, though. Go figure.)Oh, and saying B&Ms are always smooth, then saying "but" or "except" or "with the exception of" is like my A+ Computer Certification teacher. He says he has a perfect saftey record with students, "except for one who sanded his finger." As a whole, they either are, or aren't.

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Postby stolen_starz on May 11th, 2003, 4:57 pm
Batman was getting a little bumpy but not bad. I just need to figure out a way to where Iron Wolf doesn't bang my head so much. I am kind of short so I think that maybe that's why I may get it a little worse than you guys. I'm not exactly TALL. lol I'm not complaining and I am DEFINITELY not going to stop riding. The only one that really bothers me is Iron Wolf. It kinda bothers me because it always gives me a headache. I don't remember it doing that last year at all but this year it really did.
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Postby chiatrain on May 11th, 2003, 5:02 pm
I haven't been on Iron Wolf for awhile, but I may get in a ride this coming Saturday to check out how bad the head banging is. The only ride in the park that really gave me a mild headache is the now defunct Shockwave.

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Postby CoasterMan629 on May 11th, 2003, 6:57 pm
Some of you people are really picky! Man its a roller coaster ride thats suppose to be FUN! Why would some of you even keep count on how many times you taped or hit you head on the restraint!? I just think it gets really annoying after a while. They are machines they will become slightly more rough than when they first came out, it is bound to happen! Im not "rolling" my eyes or getting mad, its just come on, they are machines that are suppose to be fun, if you cant stand hitting /banging /tapping /slaming or whatever dont ride it.
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Postby coasterswimgurl12 on May 11th, 2003, 7:46 pm
T_Biggs.....who are you to tell people not to ride rollercoasters if they get a tiny headbang on it....its there decision wheter they want to or not....and if you dont have anything positive to say to people's comments, then dont day anything at all....so that means you shouldnt reply to mine!!! :evil:
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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 11th, 2003, 8:59 pm
coasterman again nobody is complaining. If you are sick of it then stop reading some of the forums.
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Postby coasterzak on May 11th, 2003, 9:11 pm
Yeah I was asking about the Vekoma FLYER, not alluding to B&M to make everyone mad. Sorry...

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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 11th, 2003, 9:14 pm
Oh. Well I havent been on a Vekoma flyer before. One of my friends went on Stealth and they said it was bumpy and it wasnt as fun as S:UF.
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Postby CoasterMan629 on May 13th, 2003, 4:09 pm
I didnt mean to be "cocky" or a jerk, its just these are the may reasons why my poor baby Shock Wave got taken down. :cry: I do not what to see that happen to another one of my favorite coasters. Thats all. Sorry. :wink:
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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 13th, 2003, 4:21 pm
I dont want to see that happen again either.
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Postby ericleister on May 14th, 2003, 4:06 pm
The article on SUF to be a dud is a lot of bull. I wonder if the reporter even rode it :evil: Great ride
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Postby SFGAmfreak4life on May 14th, 2003, 5:58 pm
I bet he was too chicken to ride it.
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Postby stolen_starz on May 14th, 2003, 6:44 pm
CoasterMan629 wrote:Some of you people are really picky! Man its a roller coaster ride thats suppose to be FUN! Why would some of you even keep count on how many times you taped or hit you head on the restraint!? I just think it gets really annoying after a while. They are machines they will become slightly more rough than when they first came out, it is bound to happen! Im not "rolling" my eyes or getting mad, its just come on, they are machines that are suppose to be fun, if you cant stand hitting /banging /tapping /slaming or whatever dont ride it.
CoasterMan629, i think u need to read the post by coasterswimgirl right above this one and i think that applies to YOU too. Don't tell people not to ride things. We are talking about something in here and if you have nothing to contribute and you are just complaining about the topic, then go in another topic! Don't waste YOUR time posting here OR ours by reading nonsense if you don't agree or have an opinion that is going to be of any use to anyone else in this topic.
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Postby stolen_starz on May 14th, 2003, 6:48 pm
Ok, I didn't see there was a 2nd page to this topic, I didn't look. :? LoL sorry, I saw that someone already said something about that comment so sorry if it's a repeat and kind of old, I haven't checked this topic in a while so again... sorry 8)
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