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Please Help . . .

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Postby RagingBullDude13 on May 14th, 2003, 5:14 pm
I ordered 2 season passes on the Six Flags website for me and my brother. They gave us an order number and everything, and my mom's credit card was charged too. We never got the passes. We called Six Flags about 5 times, they have no record of our order. Does anyone have an idea of what to do? Today is Wednesday, and I am planning on going to Great America this weekend. Please help, thank you very much. I am getting impatient.

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Postby stolen_starz on May 14th, 2003, 5:23 pm
I really don't think there is anything you can do except maybe show them your mom's credit report or something that prooves you ordered them. Did you print the page after you ordered it? You should ALWAYS always ALWAYS!! print the page that states your card has been charged or what you ordered and that it's been paid for. If you printed that, take it with you. I really don't think they would really give you a hard time about it. Just call and tell them again and that you're bringing in proof (assuming you have it). If you don't , I really don't know what to tell you, you'll probably have to wait until your mom gets her statement and THEN show them. Until then, you're kinda outta luck. Maybe she can request one.
Need a break from college homework.. 2004 season, come faster!!

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Postby coasterzak on May 14th, 2003, 8:51 pm
Call the credit card company and see what they say, maybe it didn't make it all the way through or something. I don't know, it's worth a shot. Sorry to hear about that.

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