American Eagle
American EaglePhoto Gallery
American Eagle

Race side by side on the Worlds Tallest and fastest wooden racing rollercoaster.

Ride Category:
Roller Coaster
Ride Name:
American Eagle
Ride Status:
May 23rd 1981
127 feet
147 feet
66 mph
4,650 feet
2 minutes & 35 seconds
900 Riders per hour each side, 30 Riders per train
4 Trains, 5 cars per train, 2 across
Train Colors:
2 Blue trains & 2 Red Trains that race each other on seperate tracks.
Built by Figley-Wright Contractors
Ride Type:
Wooden Racing Out and Back Coaster
County Fair
Ride Info:
American Eagle was the worlds tallest and fastest roller coaster when it opened in 1981, and remains the world's tallest and fastest racing coaster today.

Much of the wooden track has been replaced with steel I beam to reduce maintenence and provide a smoother ride.

American Eagle operated with six trains for several years before a new PLC operating system was put in place and now operates with four. The spare trains are used to rotate refurbishments, so one train on each side will not operate an entire season while getting an extensive refurbishment then appear on the tracks the next year, and two of the other trains that were operating the year before go into refurbishment.


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