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What future roller coasters do you think great america gets

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Postby ericleister on May 13th, 2003, 6:39 am
[color=]What future rollercoasters or all ready running rollercoasters would you want to see put in?I would relly love it if great america put in X or a moderation of X in. I also would like a MF even if it might not fit.[/color]
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Postby stolen_starz on May 13th, 2003, 6:50 am
Well I've noticed that in 2001, we got the exact same rides as Magic Mountain (v2 and deja vu). So maybe a Scream is coming up? I'm not sure but maybe that could be it. Most of the time if one park gets a ride, another one isn't far behind. An X would be awesome also. I saw an on ride video a few weeks back and it looked really cool. I don't really care, I like all coasters for the most part. I think a new wooden one would be a good addition but I'm not expecting it. Steel is dominating and I really hope they don't end up eliminating wooden ones. They are just as good as steel but in different ways.
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Postby stolen_starz on May 13th, 2003, 6:51 am
Correction: I may be wrong about the exact same rides as MM, maybe v2 was at Marine World. I'm not sure. But I know 2 parks got v2 and deja vu and we got both of them :) I guess we're just special. I don't remember, maybe it was marine world got v2 and georgia got deja vu. Not really sure, anyone else know for sure? lol
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Postby rctfan1556 on May 13th, 2003, 7:01 am
i hope we get a floorless like scream.

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Postby GamRCFreak on May 13th, 2003, 1:46 pm
I wouldn't doubt gam getting either a floorless or a premeir launch coaster.
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Postby chiatrain on May 13th, 2003, 2:02 pm
A coaster like Hulk at IoA would be nice, but I don't know where it should go. A floorless coaster would be a great addition to the park as well. As some have stated, a prototype coaster would also work.

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Postby T_Biggs on May 13th, 2003, 2:54 pm
We already have some topics going about future seasons. Dig a little, you'll find them.

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