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No Limits

Talk about RCT 2, RCT, No Limits, Hyper Rails, Scream Machines or any other Rollercoaster related game here.
Postby goldmember on April 20th, 2003, 5:12 pm
I was wondering if any of you guys have played No Limits. How is it and is it worth buying?
My Top 5: 1)TTD, 2)Millennium Force, 3)Raptor, 4)Deja Vu, 5)Raging Bull

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Postby Do I Know You on April 20th, 2003, 7:59 pm
NoLimits is probably the best 3D rollercoaster simulator out there. It's definitely worth buying.
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Postby T_Biggs on April 20th, 2003, 9:14 pm
I have it. Don't use it much, but once in a while. I seem to use it more when I have recently been at a park. I guess it gives me insperation. It takes a lot of patience to get a good coaster, and there is a very elitist community surrounding the game. I am not a part of that community for good reason (I can't stand elitism. It's for losers.)

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Postby coastrcorey on April 20th, 2003, 10:13 pm
I love it... It's really really hard for me to build a good coaster though... I mostly use it to download and ride coasters... It's also kinda fun to play ride op! :D

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Postby goldmember on April 21st, 2003, 8:04 pm
Thanks for the help. Is it only available as a download or can you get it on a disk. I only have dial-up :x so I dont want to sit around letting it download for hours.
My Top 5: 1)TTD, 2)Millennium Force, 3)Raptor, 4)Deja Vu, 5)Raging Bull

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Postby CoasterMan629 on April 23rd, 2003, 9:40 pm
You can order it and buy (for an extra cost) a CD. I did and its great I take to school and play it there. :wink:
It's not how high or how fast you build the roller coaster it's how smooth you build it!

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Postby Aero737 on April 24th, 2003, 5:41 pm
i've played hyper rails at school. its funny. But then they cought me with a bootdisk to turn the security off. :roll: Bad mistake there. But i have never played No Limits. I guess i would like to try it sometime.
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Postby T_Biggs on April 24th, 2003, 7:03 pm
Tell me how to make one of these boot disks to disable security 8) At school, we can't do schiznit because of it.

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Postby Aero737 on April 25th, 2003, 5:35 pm
well, i guess it depends on what security program and how strict it is. Last year we had Foolproof security, and we all learned that you can put the computer in safe mode and just delete the security program itself. We then put keystroke loggers (scary little things) on the comps to get the admin's password. Once we had it, we could lock/unlock computers as we pleased.This year was a bit trickier. We got fortress 101 security which is almost uncrackable. It too uses a password, but you couldnt get the comp into safe mode to get it out. What we had to do, was pop in a boot disk, navigate in MSDOS to the security program folder, deleted securty, reinstalled a cracked version (we made a new password) and there we had it. We changed a little command line in a text folder to unlock security.To make a boot disk on win2000- Go to Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Backup Then make a boot disk from there. I dont garuntee that it will work a non 2000 system. At the time that i made boot disks, I had win 98, now i have XP/2000 Pro. You have to know what folder security is in, and know how to navigate MSDOS. Truthfully, I wouldnt suggest doing this.
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Postby coastrcorey on April 25th, 2003, 7:41 pm
Wow... You guys are really intense. The only cool thing I can do is turn off that crazy "Synchronize" program that allows the teachers to watch/control your computer.

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Postby T_Biggs on April 25th, 2003, 8:20 pm
Corey, everyone knows how to do that. :lol: The only thing I do beside that is make wallpaper of what we should be working on, and minimize whatever MSIE whenever Hillestad walks around to "help." He doesn't know the difference :lol: Now I don't want to hear you've been naughty and made a boot disk to change stuff on your computers, Corey. :roll:

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Postby Aero737 on April 25th, 2003, 9:38 pm
heh...all we took security off for was to download stuff from school. That was before any of us had DSL so we used the school's T1 line and hogged all their bandwith. LOL
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Postby T_Biggs on April 25th, 2003, 10:03 pm
Well I doubt disabling the system permissions being disabled would help us at school with what everyone wants, the filter to be removed. 90% of the web is blocked! :lol:

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Postby NegativeGeez on April 29th, 2003, 2:37 am
hi. im new to the board, but not new to nolimits...and i would like to say that is by and far the best rollercoaster sim around...and, yes, there are a lot of overly-dogmatic people who play it...but i am not one of them...and if anyone would like to share tracks, i have plenty and am more than willing to send them to you, or help answer any questions that i can answer :)

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