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Fright Fest 10/22 and 23

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby Jackluver18 on October 25th, 2011, 11:41 pm
10/22/11- Got to the park around 10:45 and met up with my friend. We got our makeup done and started the day off with Whizzer/Biohazard. There wasn't much themeing to it on the ride. I don't know what you can do with it but all I saw were a few detour signs and the barrels right before the end. It was still a good ride. After Biohazard was Bull. We walked up and saw the line and couldn't believe how long it was. It was already towards Viper's entrance. It was insane..good golly. While waiting for Bull, we went on TT2 which we got the best song ever. It certainly was louder because I could hear it while leaving Southwest. It was awesome!!! After Bull we did TT2 two more times before going on Whirligig. Next was Spacely's. We then went in Necro and I thought the scareactors in there were good this year. Then we did MMC. I had no idea what to expect when we first walked in. If you haven't been in yet and don't want to be spoiled, I won't tell what happened but all I can say was that it was the best haunted house I had ever been in. After MMC, we went into Necro again.

We then went to go do Batman because our time was up and it was broken down so instead of going on Batman front row, we got on V2 front row without having to wait. We then saw ZJ which was a great parade and got the living daylights scared out of me. That was just the beginning of the evening. We then went and had lunch and walked through Sector 7. Those guys were awesome...they scared the daylights out a group of girls and it was funny. Watching those guys was quite funny. Next was Rico which was a good ride. Followed by Pit and Pendulum, Train, Eagle Red, Necro again and then did Dying Trapeze. TT2 was after that once again. We then went to Tinsel where I got the daylights scared out of me again...but this time one of the scareactors hunted me down and wouldn't leave me alone for a good half an hour. Cornered me by TT2 and kept going...not funny. After playing in there for awhile, we saw Susan Rosen. Remembered some of it before and afterwards don't remember a darn thing. Saw parade and ended with Bull for the night. It was an amazing time even though crowds were super bad...was excited for Sunday.

Dying Trapeze-1
Total 15

Sunday 10/23

Was a little nervous going by myself since no one would go with me :(. Got to the park around 11:15 and got my makeup done before going on Biohazard again in the morning. Did TT2 afterwards 4 times, then went and did Bull back row. After Bull, went and talked to one of my friends whose a ride op for a bit before heading off towards Eagle and then went and saw LAFF a little later on in the afternoon. Crowds not as bad as Saturday...a bit crowded but not as insane as Saturday. 4 pm rolled around and saw the parade. Got the...scared out of me again by the same guy that hunted me down the night before...lucky me. Then I went to Massacre and went in by myself...big mistake. Then I went to Tinsle and rode Rico, TT2 and then hung out with my friend who was by Studio 13. I then got chased....again. Mostly hung out in Tinsle the rest of the night. It started to rain about 7:30 and parade was cancelled :( so once the monsters went in, I went and did Demon 10 times in a row without getting off.That was a great way to end the night. I had a wonderful weekend and it was great to see my friends. I really miss you guys so I hope to be back next summer for sure. Can't wait for X-Flight next summer. It's comin right along and Wolf is almost gone. Oh well lol. Hope next summer is gonna be amazing as this year was.


Totals- 17
SF trips 09 = 15
SF trips 10= 11
SF trips 11 =7

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Joined: October 16th, 2005, 12:54 am
Location: Moved from X-Flight's station to Bull.

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