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Postby v2guy13 on January 23rd, 2007, 6:29 pm
I've noticed that on the forums that there are 100's of pages. Also, the last maybe 20 pages are all locked topics. Do you think you could delete topics that are useless. Maybe say have a clean out every half a year? This would make topic searches a lot easier. Thanks.

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Postby CoasterDude12-2 on January 23rd, 2007, 7:15 pm
Uh, a clean out would make topic searches impossible if I understand your logic.

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Postby v2guy13 on January 23rd, 2007, 7:40 pm
No, no, only of the old topics, dead topics.

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Postby RagingBullFan on January 23rd, 2007, 8:02 pm
No, most locked topics are things that have already been discussed. If you see a locked topic you should know to keep searching for the original one which is older. Either that or make a new topic and have it join the other locked topics.
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Postby v2guy13 on January 23rd, 2007, 8:31 pm
No you guys. I'm talking about the extremely old ones from 7+ years ago that DO come up in topics that waste time. If you look in the back pages of forums, they're all locked topics! I'm saying GET RID OF THOSE, to lessen confusion.

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Postby RagingBullFan on January 23rd, 2007, 9:54 pm
And I'm telling you we're not removing them. I can't go through thousands of older posts to determine which ones should be kept and which ones should be deleted. They take up nearly no space and resources so there is no reason to remove them. Its good to go look back and see what people were saying/thinking at a certain time. Its amusing how wrong people's thoughts were. That and the oldest posts are from December 27th, 2002 at the oldest as that is when the forums were first installed.
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