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More Mods Suggestion

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Postby RollingCoasting on February 17th, 2015, 10:17 pm
Does anyone on here think SFGAmWorld needs about 2 or 3 more mods?
The current mods are doing a good job of keeping the site updated, and I understand that they have other things to do than monitor the website, but I think if we got a few more active members to become moderators, the site could be a lot better. The SFGAmWorld Instagram has not been updated in 68 weeks. If we got some more mods, we might be able to keep it frequent. Not to mention some of the current ones have not been for 7 months, some ever since 2013 and have not posted since 2008 (SIC COASTER)

Again, just a suggestion (Hence this being posted in the suggestions forum)

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Postby Iron Wolf 90-11 on February 17th, 2015, 10:41 pm
I think this would a good idea. Keep the forum alive, safe, keep spammers away and such. We could also keep the instagram page active.
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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on February 18th, 2015, 7:23 pm
Yes. We need people to keep things updated and keep away people like Nodi and snowey. I can name a few good candidates.

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Postby tribar on February 21st, 2015, 1:21 pm
I don't think we need more mods. There isn't much going on right now and updating an Instagram account isn't really important. However, I do ask that they ban the idiot who keeps posting about all the destinations of the world.

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Postby JimPanky on March 11th, 2015, 1:00 pm
The mods handle things great. They troll bust quick and effective. Theres no need for new mods.

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Postby Foltzy on March 11th, 2015, 8:11 pm
I mean would you need a mod for the ig site?

And yes. As long as the dude who posts random destinations stays away. I think we're good

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Postby RollingCoasting on August 11th, 2015, 2:09 am
[quote="Foltzy] As long as the dude who posts random destinations stays away. I think we're good[/quote]

Well, now we have the idiot who created eight topics about Nike this week.

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on August 11th, 2015, 9:33 am
The report button, away!

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Postby CoasterDave316 on August 12th, 2015, 11:52 pm
I agree, use the report button. If there is a lot of spam like the Nike guy, use the report button and then make a topic in this forum about it. I am usually on my phone when I read the forums so I easily miss stuff.

If any long time members are interested in becoming mods, let me know I might add a few in the future.
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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on August 13th, 2015, 12:06 am
I'm not long time, but I'm on basically every day.

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Postby RollingCoasting on August 13th, 2015, 12:08 am
I am definitely interesting in become a mod if you guys ever need anymore. :D :D

(Not sure how long "long time" would be, but I'm five days away from 2 years of SFGAmWorld basically)

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Postby JaminOut on August 15th, 2015, 4:26 pm
I've been using the site under a couple accounts over the past 2 years (Changing emails). I would be happy to become a mod if needed!

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on April 7th, 2017, 12:18 am
Sorry to bump, but I've been wondering if we need some new mods. I couldn't help but notice that this one guy who has posted a link in some foreign language 3 times has yet to be banned/deleted. I'm fairly certain I've reported them all, but to no avail. Maybe the mods can't see the reports, but I'm starting to think that we need at least one new moderator to prevent things like that from staying.

I know we have a fairly slow site, but we have a decent audience that regular comes on, as well as a few new members once in a while. I just think that one more mod who regularly comes on daily could help clean the site up a bit. Like RC said in the original post, we do need to update our social media as well. The only site we really use is Facebook, which I think is good as is. The Twitter page however is really just a link to the Facebook post, and who knows what happened to the Instagram. Perhaps we could assemble a Social Media Team? Not necessarily mods, but people trustworthy enough to run a social media page or two. We could also re-launch the YouTube channel with some videos of sorts. I know we don't use them that much, and think that if we became more active on social media, then maybe we could see a few new members on the site.

Also, just to let people know, the 5 most 'recent' mods are CoasterDave316(last posted Jan 2017), Luxornv(last posted July 2016), Galvan(last posted August 2016), w00dland(last post Early Feb 2016), and Chitown(last posted October 2016). I'm not saying that the mods are completely inactive, I'm sure they check the forums often, but considering only one has posted in 2017, and the runner up has passed away, I think it's time we look into getting at least 1 new mod.

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Postby RollingCoasting on April 7th, 2017, 12:52 pm
^ You forgot DejaVu2001. ;) Not sure how limited his mod powers are, though, as he was unable to kick someone out of the chatroom one night. Galvan says he doesn't log on often because there's not much going on (He does run the social media pages though), which, is kind of true, but there should always be atleast 1 active mod.

Btw I did a bit of research and found out that jojocardee is a bot account from Thailand


Would be nice if he was deleted :D

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on April 7th, 2017, 1:32 pm
DejaVu doesn't appear to be a mod on the Forums, though. I only included those found when you click on the 'Global Moderators' link at the bottom of the main forum page

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Postby RollingCoasting on April 7th, 2017, 2:00 pm

He does have a few powers, including locking topics. Not sure why his username appears in red text, though.

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on April 7th, 2017, 2:53 pm
I was unaware of that page!

I guess that makes 2 staff members that posted in 2017. :P

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Postby RollingCoasting on July 24th, 2017, 11:07 pm
Bumping again, and if you've been reading the forums lately y'all can probably guess why...

Looking at profiles, it seems that most mods only visit the site every couple of months. I know it's been said elsewhere that some of the mods have moved on from the site, etc. which is totally understandable but things would work out a lot better if y'all checked in atleast, maybe, once a week?. I think if you do a forum-wide poll most members would agree that we need more (active) mods. It'd really improve the problems on the site

In the past few months I've noticed....
- No action being taken when reporting a post
- Previously deleted user coming back with different accounts to "dispel" the forum (I think we all know who we're talking about here :wink:)
- Numerous threads being created on the same subject within short time spans (Notably about Season Passes and Bring a Friend Deals)

If you don't want to give anybody a global moderator or above position you could make a new group with "Rookie Mods" or something with 1 or 2 (active) users given limited powers like:

- Ability to close topics
- Ability to move/merge posts and topics
- Ability to allocate regular members maximum of 1 week bans
- Ability to view reports users file against a post

Which is pretty much all you need to keep things under control without giving them too much power.

This is a small (Well, atleast not "Huge") forum which shouldn't need a ton of moderation but like every forum it does need some. Sorry to rant. :P

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Postby CoasterRiderSC on July 27th, 2017, 12:31 pm
RC, Great suggestion!! One question: what's the great harm in
"- Numerous threads being created on the same subject within short time spans (Notably about Season Passes and Bring a Friend Deals)" ? Is it to keep the number of threads down?
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Postby RollingCoasting on July 27th, 2017, 1:13 pm
It wastes bandwidth

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Postby CoasterRiderSC on July 27th, 2017, 2:06 pm
Ok. thanks for explaining. I'm newer to forums.
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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on December 18th, 2017, 1:54 am
CoasterDave316 wrote:I agree, use the report button. If there is a lot of spam like the Nike guy, use the report button and then make a topic in this forum about it. I am usually on my phone when I read the forums so I easily miss stuff.

If any long time members are interested in becoming mods, let me know I might add a few in the future.

I've been using the report button for most all of the new guy's posts, and have still yet to get a response. I seriously think we need at least one new moderator. This is getting out of hand now.

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Postby Coaster Justin on December 18th, 2017, 8:17 am
So Either RC Or Guy With A Stick as New Moderators.
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Postby CoasterRiderSC on December 18th, 2017, 3:13 pm
Coaster Justin wrote:So Either RC Or Guy With A Stick as New Moderators.

I second that motion!
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Postby Whizzer Whiz Kid on December 18th, 2017, 7:25 pm
Motion carried.
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