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Time to Air out The Staff

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Postby Galvan on September 30th, 2003, 10:19 pm
First, i get a very conversational topic locked, 'The Worst Ride Ever ast GA"... Why was that locked. "Because its the same same another topic i posted. "The Best Ride Ever at GA" Now im not by any means an English Major, but since when does this mean the same topic? BEST---WORST, i dont see anything the same about those two words. Yet, some one did. Now, im not going to mention who it was who locked the topic, the last time i mentioned a name, I was nearly impeached for saying a Ride ops name, Because of the clout that some people apprently have with the staff on this web site. Last Night, i make another topic, "Which ride would you Skip on a visit to GA" Simple yet, it makes for a conversation which i might add is the whole point of this web site. And this evening, i find it been deleted, Why? i didnt delete it, there was no notification what so ever about it. This is pissing me off. And im tired of getting treated like a second class citizen just because i have the balls to argue with the staff.My post gets taken out why? But a half-assed trip report to Orlando stays? Why? Or because someone who works at GreatAmerica whose buddy buddy with this sites Adminstator hates what i write because its not in his view point gets to be put on a higher standard then someone who really cares about this site and tries to make it an interesting site for people to enjoy by providing though provoking comments. Hell i even wanted to make a donation to this site earlier this month. And i even made a power point presentation with this sites name sake all over it because i like it hear so much. This however is WAY over board. People on here get too much clout and get too fat headed and thus think they can run the show. Well im very pissed off at these recent events. And im sure im not the only person whose pissed off too. There are others who are just as pissed as me. Go ahead and lock this topic, i dont care but its time that the Mods and the Administor get there head out of there ass and stop getting all buddy buddy with whoever kisses there ass and start running a better program here. I WOULD HAVE USED PM'S BUT NO ONE ANSWERS THEM!VERY PISSED OFFMike

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Postby CoasterDave316 on September 30th, 2003, 10:40 pm
Woah, geez...You are ranting over a total of 2 topics! I didn't even see the topic that got deleted, but whenever I delete a topic I try and Private Message the person with a reason.Galvan, you start a few topics a day and yet you have only had 1 topic deleted and 2 topic's locked. Whats your point. We aren't hiding behind our Admin powers, thats ridiculous. The one topic you posted was basically a repeat topic, and I DID reply to your Private Message. I wasn't going to sit there and argue with you over a topic being opened or closed I have better things to do with my time and I hope you would too.We try to treat everyone evenly here and try to keep the forums in line without being to strict. It's hard to please everyone. I try my best to please everyone but its impossible, look how many times I have changed the look of the site just so everyone likes it.I've tried to be as nice as I can but im tired of people complain about 1 locked topic or a post getting deleted, get over it...go outside have some fun get some fresh air and forget about it. These forums are for fun and to talk about the park we all love, not to argue about locked or deleted topics. Most importantly im tired of people think we are singling out thier posts when this is untrue. How can we hate somebody or single somebody out when we don't even know that person.I started this site so I had some place to use what I learned in school, since then I have put alot of work into it and it's a shame nobody can appreciate it. For once I wish I could get a "Thank you" instead of a "I hate you why did you lock my post blabla"Some people take these forums too seriously....
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Postby Chitown on September 30th, 2003, 10:59 pm
Good lord Galvan. I always thought you were on the wierd and strange side, but this just did it for you.All of your topics that you start are un-original and ridiculous. "Best, worst, vs., etc, etc. You act like you are the revolution here or something.You think its strict here? Go ahead and post the same topics you have made here over at Coasterbuzz. See how far you get. Quick hint, you won't last long.I deleted your latest topic because all you did was re-word the title of your "Worst ride ever" post. Dave closed it for a reason and you chose to sneak around it. Not happening buddy.If you are seriously pissed off about having a topic closed here or a topic deleted there, you seriously need to find other activities in your life.You start more topics than anyone else, so a few getting closed or deleted shouldn't be a big deal but I guess in your little world, you feel otherwise.
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Postby Galvan on September 30th, 2003, 11:23 pm
I find your comments harassing and very unfounded. First of all do you actually read some of the crap thats been put on this site in recent weeks? Seriously? one or two line topics that no one reads much less respond too. And secondly, are you now the official god of topic making? Because if you where id have to really think about what you have said in the past too. As for my posts, I make topics that are good conversation starters, and not another "DejaVu is broken why cant GA fix it topic" Aero737 was right, i never start rumors, i never violate TOS, i think of a topic that i think will get the biggest feedback, because i like to see people's reaction to the topic. I try to put something on there that will give the audience the best Chance to speak there mind. Period

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Postby Galvan on October 1st, 2003, 12:09 am
After a long discussion with some of the staff, all problems have been resolved. I personally would like to thank and appologize to the Staff on this Site. First i appologize for the above statements. and Secondly i thank the staff for this oppurtunity to speak my mind about Great America. Thanks and Sorry Again.

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