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Postby anewman35 on January 21st, 2016, 9:58 pm
RaceBoarder wrote:SFGAm could still be negotiating with a 3rd party to do work w/ them... The contractor reads about the rumored work on the forum here, yet they have only been asked about half of the work that was posted on the forum... Knowing that the work they have been contacted about needs to be done before the other work can continue, they now double their asking price... SFGAm is stuck with the asking price...

That's how posting stuff in a place like this can be detrimental...

Yeah, ok, I'm sure the one contractor available to SFGAm spends lots of time reading rumors on fan websites, and feels confident enough in their relationship with Six Flags to jack up their asking price, and because there's only one contractor in the Chicagoland area for this super-specific work, SFGAm has no choice but to pay, which is going to have dire consequences for the season ahead. That seems incredibly likely.

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Postby sfgam-fan on January 21st, 2016, 10:06 pm
Exactly. There's not a contractor monopoly on removing covered walkways and mobile home trailers. Something tells me Six Flags could get competitive bids.

anewman35 wrote:
RaceBoarder wrote:SFGAm could still be negotiating with a 3rd party to do work w/ them... The contractor reads about the rumored work on the forum here, yet they have only been asked about half of the work that was posted on the forum... Knowing that the work they have been contacted about needs to be done before the other work can continue, they now double their asking price... SFGAm is stuck with the asking price...

That's how posting stuff in a place like this can be detrimental...

Yeah, ok, I'm sure the one contractor available to SFGAm spends lots of time reading rumors on fan websites, and feels confident enough in their relationship with Six Flags to jack up their asking price, and because there's only one contractor in the Chicagoland area for this super-specific work, SFGAm has no choice but to pay, which is going to have dire consequences for the season ahead. That seems incredibly likely.

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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 23rd, 2016, 9:30 pm
Six Flags Great America update from ACE's No Coaster Con:

Justice League: Battle for Metropolis opens May 28th, Season Pass preview May 27.
Park is open for a Bonus Weekend November 5th and 6th
Some ride will be painted. They don't know what yet.
They do plan to run 3 trains on Whizzer and Demon this year, though Hank was not aware they didn't this year :lol:
No Holiday in the Park this year. It has been discussed, they feel the market is there, but they need to figure out the logistical issues with weather, snow removal and making sure they have time for annual maintenance.

Yes, closing day is NOVEMBER 6th.


Food. Whizzer Pretzel is being replaced with a Coke stand

Pizza Luigi is turning into a Totally Kickin' Chicken


Justice League stuff is here:

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on January 24th, 2016, 1:16 am
I hope they keep their promise with the VIP/Season Passholder event this time. I was quite disappointed when the Goliath one was canceled.

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Postby Goku1910 on January 24th, 2016, 1:18 am
Glad Peking Acrobats is back. I enjoyed that show. A change in choreography is welcome though. Let's hope they mix it up a bit.

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Postby great america fan on January 24th, 2016, 11:13 am
I do have to say I'm a little disappointed with the removal of Whizzer pretzels we just got home town square restored and now we're getting a flashy red stand put up.
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Postby Coaster Justin on January 24th, 2016, 1:55 pm
You forgot 2 major announcements:
The Waterpark Entrance from the parking lot will have longer hours
Pink Flamingo Cafe is going to be on the dining pass

Maybe major to me?
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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 24th, 2016, 2:15 pm
^ Pink Flamingo being on the Dining Pass is not new. It has always been on the Dining Pass. The new lists they gave out in the fall are likely incomplete. They left off Harbor because it's not currently open, and left off the new food places that hadn't been announced yet.

As for Harbor, yeah, I forgot. I'm not a water park person. But the Season Pass entrance for Hurricane Harbor will have longer hours and be expanded so you can also exit there.

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Postby anewman35 on January 24th, 2016, 5:16 pm
The important question: Are we sure this information is ok to post? What if it was Top Secret just for people at No Coaster Con? Don't want to get anybody fired...

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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 24th, 2016, 5:52 pm

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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on January 24th, 2016, 6:05 pm
^^ No Coaster Con stuff is always released, and nobody got fired as far as I know.

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Postby Dan The Coaster Man on January 24th, 2016, 7:00 pm
Where is the season pass holder entrance for the waterpark? I heard about it last year but never utilized it. What are the hours now, or at least last year?
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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 24th, 2016, 7:22 pm

Last year, it was open until 12:30

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Postby Dan The Coaster Man on January 24th, 2016, 8:41 pm
Guy_With_A_Stick wrote:I hope they keep their promise with the VIP/Season Passholder event this time. I was quite disappointed when the Goliath one was canceled.

I was too. Hope it pulls through this year, although I doubt I'll be able to attend.
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Postby Coaster Justin on January 25th, 2016, 4:39 pm
DejaVu2001 wrote:^ Pink Flamingo being on the Dining Pass is not new. It has always been on the Dining Pass. The new lists they gave out in the fall are likely incomplete. They left off Harbor because it's not currently open, and left off the new food places that hadn't been announced yet.

As for Harbor, yeah, I forgot. I'm not a water park person. But the Season Pass entrance for Hurricane Harbor will have longer hours and be expanded so you can also exit there.

UNTRUE! You go to any other Six Flags site with a waterpark and the dining plan lists location in theirs.
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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 25th, 2016, 4:51 pm
I don't pay attention to other park's water parks. All I know is it was on SFGAm's Dining Pass last year, therefore it is NOT new.

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Postby adaml222 on January 30th, 2016, 6:21 pm
great america fan wrote:I do have to say I'm a little disappointed with the removal of Whizzer pretzels we just got home town square restored and now we're getting a flashy red stand put up.

I'm disappointed in that too. I liked all the old style buildings and kiosks that are being slowly replaced with unthemed modern ones.

I'm worried about Aunt Martha's. What does this "remodel" mean? Probably losing the Aunt Martha's Boarding house theme?

And what does the "open air atmosphere" mean for Claimjumpers? It was outdoors already. Must be losing the roof and some more Yukon Territory themeing.

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Postby great america fan on January 30th, 2016, 8:45 pm
adaml222 wrote:
great america fan wrote:I do have to say I'm a little disappointed with the removal of Whizzer pretzels we just got home town square restored and now we're getting a flashy red stand put up.

I'm disappointed in that too. I liked all the old style buildings and kiosks that are being slowly replaced with unthemed modern ones.

I'm worried about Aunt Martha's. What does this "remodel" mean? Probably losing the Aunt Martha's Boarding house theme?

And what does the "open air atmosphere" mean for Claimjumpers? It was outdoors already. Must be losing the roof and some more Yukon Territory themeing.

I was hoping the "open air atmosphere" ment that they would add seating on the water front area that is always dead anyways.
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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 30th, 2016, 8:49 pm
^ Open air just means they're removing the glass windows at the counter.

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Postby SFGAMNUT9302 on February 2nd, 2016, 6:35 am
Out of curiosity, did they mention anything about what will become of Sky Trails old plot of land?

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Postby Dan The Coaster Man on February 2nd, 2016, 8:00 pm
SFGAMNUT9302 wrote:Out of curiosity, did they mention anything about what will become of Sky Trails old plot of land?

I havnt heard anything, but I do like how they used it during FF.
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Postby CoasterCale on February 3rd, 2016, 11:59 pm
Well I just find it interesting that Cedar Point is loosing Chic-Fil-A and SFGAm is renovating Aunt Martha's and replacing the Pizza Flatbread (Which my friends and I were huge fans of.) with a new unspecified chicken provider.

Also I'm just going to leave this here for those who haven't seen the park since closing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDXXMKchkTU
Check out my Coaster vids

It seems like the other side always wins on American Eagle :?
Also, I've ridden Goliath 23 times in one day. HBU? :roll: :P
(Sorry in advance for unnecessary commas and parenthesis every where)

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Postby Coaster Justin on February 5th, 2016, 5:07 pm
CoasterCale wrote:Well I just find it interesting that Cedar Point is loosing Chic-Fil-A and SFGAm is renovating Aunt Martha's and replacing the Pizza Flatbread (Which my friends and I were huge fans of.) with a new unspecified chicken provider.

Also I'm just going to leave this here for those who haven't seen the park since closing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDXXMKchkTU

God, I hope we don't get Chic-Fil-A
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Postby FParker185 on February 5th, 2016, 7:08 pm
true, good food has no place at SFGAm
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Postby Guy_With_A_Stick on February 5th, 2016, 8:29 pm
I just hope it doesn't mean anything negative. Especially for the Grilled Chicken BLT(one of the few meals I actually eat there).

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