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SFGAm 2013 Updates 9/14 Update

Talk about anything that has to do with Six Flags Great America and Hurricane Harbor here.
Postby DejaVu2001 on January 20th, 2013, 7:02 am

Most of the stuff is on the slides below. They did say that all of the changes to Hometown Square will be reversible whenever igNight gets replaced. The show is 25 minutes and will start at Park Closing, 10:00. So if you want to see the show, you can't do a last ride.


Other stuff

Yes, the old ticket booths are being demolished.

Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYjyOUh2 ... e=youtu.be
Part 2
Last edited by DejaVu2001 on September 15th, 2013, 5:25 am, edited 28 times in total.

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Postby DeathbyDinn on January 20th, 2013, 12:52 pm
Looks like another solid year for the park. I'm interested in seeing how this story line for igNite will work. I figured it would just be a song and dance show.

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Postby cab0218 on January 20th, 2013, 1:41 pm
Poor song choices in my opinion.

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Postby Jerrykoala2112 on January 20th, 2013, 2:36 pm
They better not make our entrance as horrible as SFSTL's entrance.

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Postby Bob O on January 20th, 2013, 7:32 pm
I would agree that the song selection is awful!!!

Did they offer any more info regarding Batman going backwards??
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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 20th, 2013, 7:36 pm
I put all the Batman stuff in the news topic.


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Postby Ilovthevu' on January 21st, 2013, 12:46 am
This Ignite thing sounds like a terrible plot. Really, the Chicago Fire? Who wants to be reminded of such a terrible event in the city of Chicago, and Great America is not even in Chicago. That's the best they could come up with - a tragedy in Chicago!

For the time, that's better for someone to see it going on a last ride than let's say Glow in the Park Parade or any parade really. Didn't they have that Glow in the Dark parade at say 9:45 pm? This is 10 pm. I can go on Demon, and see this thing if I wanted to. So, if I miss 5 minutes, it's not like I'm missing a lot of time compared to the parade. I'm not talking about an extremely packed day either where Demon has a 20 minute line at 9:50 pm. I think that's kind of weird that they are actually have the show after the park closes, but again maybe that's part of the reason for the later openings - at 10:30 am.

As I said somewhere else, the metal detectors before the ticket gates is not really going to help at all in my opinion. The ticket takers barely take any time at all! The metal detectors lines are the real problem, and NOT the ticket taker lines. People are usually NOT waiting for their tickets to be taken - It's the metal detectors that back them up. I don't understand the point of this? Also, the reason why people wait longer in line to get into the park is because all the lines are NOT open. It's sort of like the 4 slide complex they have in the waterpark. What's the point of buying 4 waterslides in one complex if you hire 1 employee to do them all, and than each person has to wait to personally hear what the employee has to say, and than they go down. Just because you added the capacity doesn't mean you are using the capacity to the fullest. An experience I just had proves it. I just went to Magic Mountain recently, and I had to wait in line for the metal detectors. They have their metal detectors before the actual ticket takers (like this thing SFGAm is doing), and does it really help? I would say no.
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Postby CoasterDude12-2 on January 21st, 2013, 2:26 am
I like the ignite thing.

But I'm uber excited for the backwards BTR. Sounds like I'm actually going to be scared of a ride (at least the first time!)

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Postby DeathbyDinn on January 21st, 2013, 2:52 am
Ilovthevu' wrote:This Ignite thing sounds like a terrible plot. Really, the Chicago Fire? Who wants to be reminded of such a terrible event in the city of Chicago, and Great America is not even in Chicago. That's the best they could come up with - a tragedy in Chicago!

How is having a show that partially takes place during the fire any worse than having a waterpark themed to a natural disaster that kills thousands of people and wipes out cities.

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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 21st, 2013, 6:09 am
Ilovthevu' wrote:This Ignite thing sounds like a terrible plot. Really, the Chicago Fire? Who wants to be reminded of such a terrible event in the city of Chicago, and Great America is not even in Chicago. That's the best they could come up with - a tragedy in Chicago!

Yes, I'm sure over 140 years later now people must still be emotionally scarred by the Chicago Fire :roll:

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Postby cab0218 on January 21st, 2013, 12:47 pm
I'am appalled that they blamed a cow for the fire how dare they!

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Postby B&MGuy35 on January 21st, 2013, 6:45 pm
I'm curious as to what the surprise is for when Batman goes down for the week to convert the trains back? Any guesses?

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Postby Ilovthevu' on January 21st, 2013, 7:05 pm
DeathbyDinn wrote:
Ilovthevu' wrote:This Ignite thing sounds like a terrible plot. Really, the Chicago Fire? Who wants to be reminded of such a terrible event in the city of Chicago, and Great America is not even in Chicago. That's the best they could come up with - a tragedy in Chicago!

How is having a show that partially takes place during the fire any worse than having a waterpark themed to a natural disaster that kills thousands of people and wipes out cities.

Because people don't associate the waterpark name with that type of disaster. I'm sure a lot of people just call it the waterpark at Great America rather than Hurricane Harbor. When I ride the Tornado, do you think I really think of a real Tornado? Sure, it's a funnel, but it's yellow and blue for goodness sakes. It doesn't really look like a real tornado, and I'm not worried about people dying due to a real tornado. For the picture they had of this ignight thing, they are actually showing a burning building! It doesn't even make sense to me that a show would start with that type of overtone. When I think of just fires in general on buildings, I think of people losing their lives, and their homes. That's not something happy to have at an amusement park.3

I guess if St. Louis gets this show than (igNight), people would be okay with them showing some scenes of the Joplin Tornado too?

I think what this Ignight thing should be is about Six Flags characters including Looney Tunes, Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, Jetsons, Batman, and Superman (maybe add in some other DC characters like Wonder Woman, Green Arrow). Why not? Disney has a castle projection show where they show a lot of the Disney movies. Plus, Six Flags has NO shows with the DC characters or the Jetsons / Scooby-Doo / Flintstones right now. With the parade, you just get a hi and buy thing, but with a show, they could display all these characters, and have separate plots for each of them.
Last edited by Ilovthevu' on January 21st, 2013, 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DejaVu2001 on January 21st, 2013, 7:12 pm
B&MGuy35 wrote:I'm curious as to what the surprise is for when Batman goes down for the week to convert the trains back? Any guesses?

Backwards seems to be a theme recently, I'm guessing Batman isn't all. Perhaps Eagle Blue again, maybe another new backwards experience, or maybe both :wink:

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Postby Ilovthevu' on January 21st, 2013, 7:24 pm
From Facebook about other shows they are going to have this year:

"Reflections: Sights and Sounds of the 60's and Dancin' in the Streets will both have performance runs during the 2013 season! Thanks for helping us decide by contributing your vote!"

Just thought I mention it. I guess Dancin' in the Streets is Motown.
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Postby cab0218 on January 21st, 2013, 10:58 pm
The whole idea of Ignite sounds very poor. We should let the park know how we feel about the idea. I can also think of better music they can use.

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Postby Coaster Justin on January 21st, 2013, 11:12 pm
Why did you have to upload my Question for Tom Rebbie?
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Postby acquaz10 on January 25th, 2013, 11:41 am
cab0218 wrote:The whole idea of Ignite sounds very poor. We should let the park know how we feel about the idea. I can also think of better music they can use.

You honestly think they care about what SFGAm World members have to say about the show? The show isn't for you it's for the general public.

As for the whole Chicago Fire thing and you guys taken offense to it. Big * deal. People could be offended about the Joplin tornadoes because it happened a few years ago. Who will be offended by something that happened over 100 years ago? Seriously dude?

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Postby MForce4ever on January 27th, 2013, 5:42 am
Ilovthevu' wrote:This Ignite thing sounds like a terrible plot. Really, the Chicago Fire? Who wants to be reminded of such a terrible event in the city of Chicago, and Great America is not even in Chicago. That's the best they could come up with - a tragedy in Chicago!
The outrage! What's next? A movie about the Titanic or Pearl Harbor or the Holocaust? Unthinkable! These people are monsters.

Ilovthevu' wrote: Just because you added the capacity doesn't mean you are using the capacity to the fullest.
So basically you're saying; "I had to wait in line for a water slide but I could've waited less. The world is so unfair."

Ilovthevu' wrote:An experience I just had proves it.
Oh, this will be pure science I'm sure, no need to call mythbusters.

Ilovthevu' wrote:I just went to Magic Mountain recently, and I had to wait in line for the metal detectors. They have their metal detectors before the actual ticket takers (like this thing SFGAm is doing), and does it really help? I would say no.
Oh so there's a line either way and you're just taking care of the longer part of it first? Those bastards are trying to make things a little more convenient? Screw them! I don't like change!
I'm irreverent and stuff...

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Postby steve0145 on January 28th, 2013, 11:01 am
Did sixflags always have the metal detectors in place? Back in 1982 I went there for the first time with my mom and I don't remember having to go through them but that was a long time ago.
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Postby Galvan on January 28th, 2013, 2:51 pm
I know metal detectors where there as far back as 1999.

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Postby FParker185 on January 28th, 2013, 5:46 pm
They were first installed in 1999 along with a whole new front gate and ticket/season pass scanners. I miss the original front gate, it looked quite a bit nicer. Lots of wrought iron.
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Postby w00dland on January 29th, 2013, 9:38 pm
MForce4ever wrote:
Ilovthevu' wrote:This Ignite thing sounds like a terrible plot. Really, the Chicago Fire? Who wants to be reminded of such a terrible event in the city of Chicago, and Great America is not even in Chicago. That's the best they could come up with - a tragedy in Chicago!
The outrage! What's next? A movie about the Titanic or Pearl Harbor or the Holocaust? Unthinkable! These people are monsters.

Ilovthevu' wrote: Just because you added the capacity doesn't mean you are using the capacity to the fullest.
So basically you're saying; "I had to wait in line for a water slide but I could've waited less. The world is so unfair."

Ilovthevu' wrote:An experience I just had proves it.
Oh, this will be pure science I'm sure, no need to call mythbusters.

Ilovthevu' wrote:I just went to Magic Mountain recently, and I had to wait in line for the metal detectors. They have their metal detectors before the actual ticket takers (like this thing SFGAm is doing), and does it really help? I would say no.
Oh so there's a line either way and you're just taking care of the longer part of it first? Those bastards are trying to make things a little more convenient? Screw them! I don't like change!

^You done? There are ways to discuss your opinion other than to just make fun of someone else's.

Personally, it bothers me when I see a park invest in a higher capacity for attractions and never see them use it. Case in point: X2 unloading station at SFMM. Now I have seen a crew (once) that was kicking so much ass that the ride only stacked for a few seconds, but for most crews that 2nd train sits in the unload station for about 2-3 minutes while the other train loads.
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Postby MForce4ever on January 30th, 2013, 2:54 pm
w00dland wrote:^You done? There are ways to discuss your opinion other than to just make fun of someone

Than how would I boost my dangerously low self esteem. But seriously if I just say "that's very stupid" that's not very fun now is it?

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Postby DejaVu2001 on February 25th, 2013, 6:44 pm
And it's gone!


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