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CHANG WATCH: The Official Topic

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Postby scipiomask on July 6th, 2010, 5:31 am
What more confirmation do you people need?? It's extremely obvious where Chang is going at this point.

Still NO confirmation it is Chang they have planned. None.

OK, did you see the part in here where it says "a new attraction in 2011"? It's not definite, but come on. Do the math.

Yea god forbid people question what is dictated to them without any proof. Yes you were right, but doesnt negate the fact that you are still acting like you are a 14 year old punk on the comments section of youtube trying to start flame wars with everyone that does not agree with you.

I'm sorry, but tons of the members on this site have been treating me, acqua(something), divemachine, and other people this way just because we said that Chang was coming to GAdv. And it's not like we said it without proof - we didn't make this up. Coasterfusion was the one who brought this news to our attention.

No one ever doubted you. We are telling you you need to shut up and leave because you posted the same thing over and over and over again, bashing other people on the forums and saying stupid crap. I even said I think GASM would be removed but there is ZERO proof still regarding Chang being moved to GADv.

You are just being a troll. You just come in here to spout random BS to provoke other users. I will believe Chang is going to GADv when I see track, trains or some sort of meeting or announcement regarding it. But until then everything is rumor still as the track is STILL at SFGAm as well as the trains.

Yeah, as if. People doubted everyone who said that Chang was going to Great Adventure! And as for the trains and track, they just have yet to be removed. What some people don't seem to understand is that when Shapiro was CEO, Chang WAS going to you, which is why the trains and track are at your park. Now that Weber is here, things have changed. I'm sure that the track will be moved, but possibly later since they got leaked out so quickly at Great America.

Agreed. Doesn't matter whether or not you were right, you treated our members like pieces of garbage and didn't respect anyone who didn't share your opinion. I don't care if certain people on the board aren't correct all the time, what I care most about is that we RESPECT each other, and I haven't seen this kind of crap since I joined when I was 14. Fourteen year olds respect each other better than this. Take your "victory" and leave.

Members of this site treated him like garbage as well as me and others.

Keep in mind that parks may not replace an attraction right away

You don't seem to be reading carefully - the Facebook post says it's being removed to make way for a new attraction in 2011.

I for one still believe we are the most likely park to get Chang for right now, since we're the only park to have pieces of the ride on site

So you've already forgotten about the newspaper article? And for those of who you still don't understand the correction thing, the only thing the correction corrected was that Hank Salemi was not present for the quote, and that Chang was never officially planned for your park, it was yet to be confirmed by Six Flags.

What is a Great Adventure Fanboy doing on a Great America site anyway?

Well, your beloved member Cole (Bizarro Badger) has joined GADV.com, and he's doing more trolling over there than acqua(whatever) was doing over here. He's started threads like "Shapiro's Plans - I Hate To Break It To You", just saying that we're only getting Chang and no flats, trying to upset us.

I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just defending this member here. He's only speaking the truth, and though it could be said more politely, SFGAm just needs to realize that they're no longer getting Chang.
Thank you.

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Postby Cole on July 6th, 2010, 9:22 am
Thats called trolling to you? Im just saying that if your getting a 150 ft. Megalooper, its VERY UNLIKLEY you'll get your flat package SHAPIRO planned for you. Hell for all we know, we might be getting your screamin swing and huss giant frisbee. :lol: If feelings were hurt I apologize. But I just want you all to realize that Great America will most likley be getting a waterpark expansion, and Great Adventure WILL be getting Chang, and possibly a few flats.

But dont be crying when Huss pieces arrive at our park :lol:
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Postby Galvan on July 6th, 2010, 10:19 am

This has come to an end, sadly SFGAm is not getting Chang. Oh well.

Time to move along and get our hopes set on something else.

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