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7/25 SFGA Faimly Visit

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby HuskieJohn on July 27th, 2017, 8:30 am
My kids had their reading tickets and the wife and I had seen the 45% off promo on the website so all 5 of us got in for $91 which wasn't horrible even though my wife doesn't ride anything.

My girls (7yr old) just hit 48" with their shoes on so we started off with the Viper...and it was broken just before the park "opened". This and the Eagle were the only 2 must do's for them since they never had rode them before so we waited for 20min before it was fixed. We ended up being the first and rode 1st and 2nd rows. Later that day we rode 2 more times 2nd from the back and they seemed to have more of a reaction out of that.

We rode the other flats in the area then I noticed that Justice League had no line...was almost thinking it was closed but I saw people walking out of the store/ride exit so we checked it out to find only a 7min wait. Unfortunately that ride has not aged well for being open only 1 year. The first screen was so dark you couldn't even make out anything to shoot. Next the Jokers smoke did not shoot...but the fire did. Then the truck/horn blew as we were rounding the corner (way early) then again after we had already left that area (way late) the screen where you are freeing the heroes was darker than it should but not as bad as the first one I mentioned. The last screen was frozen for 1-2 seconds as we sat in front of it then we left before they finished speaking and the joker gas went off. So overall it seems like a 2-3 light bulb changes and a reload of the automation/program could fix everything that made the ride a bit of a disappointment. The odd thing was that even though I couldn't see well for 2 screens I got a personal all time high score of 290K so that was nice.

We then headed for the Eagle (red) and only had a few min wait. The girls were expecting the ride to be longer but they had no issues with the bumpiness.

We then hit a few small things on our way to the Dark Knight and that is when I noticed that there really were not a ton of people at the park for how nice it was and considering it was coming towards the end of the reading program tickets, BAF 1/2off day and the 45% internet promo. Not that it was empty but even when we got in the Batman/Joker coaster area there really was not the mass of people that I was expecting.

We spent a slightly less than normal afternoon wait for Dark Knight. One thing that my kids noticed was that all but 1 of the TVs were not working...this is one of the best things for passing the time with line waiting so them not working made the wait apparently the worse thing ever for my kids. 3+ of the effects were not working for this ride so it was disappointing but really only for 5-8 seconds.

After that my son just hit 54" (he gets motion sickness easy so doesn't go on the bigger stuff) but he was able to drive the bumper car for the first time. Turns out if you have no idea how to drive/steer a car its not easy to do this within the 90sec of the actual ride. But still they all had fun.

The Whizzer line seemed to be the longest we were in all day. It only had 2 trains but how they were letting them go I am not sure that a 3rd would have helped speed it up. I joked with the kids that the Viper and Eagle lines were quite a bit shorter than this so afterwards we rode those two a few more times.

The kids went on the Whirligig for the first time and liked it a lot.

This was the first time in years we did not go on the Demon. I am tall so I have to slouch to fit and those seats kill my back and the kids felt like they had a enough other coaster options and didn't want to deal with banged up heads/ears. I really wonder when that thing is going to be snuffed out.

I noticed that the park wasn't as clean as it typically is...lots more garbage on the ground than I remember seeing the past many visits the past few years. Between that the TVs and the effects not working had me wonder if the poor attendance was the reason for what seemed to be budget cut backs.

We finished off the night with the triple play with the lights showing nicely.

Overall a good day with really no bad experience considering it was only a $200 day including drink cup/popcorn cup/lunch/dinner for the 5 of us.

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Postby CoasterRiderSC on July 27th, 2017, 12:42 pm
John, thanks for sharing your trip report! Sounds like you and your family had lots of fun!!
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50 rides 8/17/2018 (Without Flash Pass - Coasters After Dark)

---- "Here we go, kids!! Here we go!!"

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Postby Necropolis on July 27th, 2017, 10:22 pm
Wow! I am slightly jealous, you went on a nice day with no crazy crowds in the middle of summer especially! :)

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