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Las Vegas 8/17-20

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby FRD714 on August 20th, 2009, 6:35 pm
Here's a quick review of the rides in Las Vegas. This was my first time there.

Manhattan Express: I really didn't know what to expect on this one. I have watched TPR's video, and they make it look like it's a rough ride. I've had numerous people tell me it's smooth though. My final verdict: ROUGH. I was shocked to find a coaster worse than Iron Wolf. I rode it three times, but that's only because I bought an unlimited pass and wanted to get my moneys worth. This coaster has a great layout, it's just too rough.

Speed the Ride: Looks like a simple coaster from the outside with an LIM launch, but this thing blew my mind. I walked into the load area to find NOBODY else in line. They only send the train out once every 10 minutes, but I was still the only one on it. I was expecting a slow V2 launch, but man was I wrong. The mid ride LIM boost was also surprising. Now I see why people like Mr. Freeze so much. This is definitely my favorite coaster in Vegas.

Canyon Blaster: Well not much to say about this one. It just plain sucks. The layout sucks, it's overspeed and it has an unnecessary airtime spot after the loops. It was pretty rough too. Demon is much better than this crappy Arrow.

Big Shot: This was my first time riding an S&S Tower. With it being 1200 feet on top of the Stratosphere Tower, I knew it had to be decent. The launch was fun and the view was great, but that was it. Nothing else to it. Giant Drop is much more of a thrill than this.

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