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Trip One to Halloween Horror Nights:

Let us know how your day at the park was.
Postby tacoking1664 on October 22nd, 2003, 5:58 pm
I arrived at the park at about 6:30. It was a littlecloudy and cool. I walked into the park and headed straight for the Hulk, as usual. On the way there I walked past a few booth things with dances and people on stilts. The line for the was not even 5 minutes long. I rode it 7 times. I then went to Spiderman. Before I could get to it I noticed foam machines along the side of the walkway, and you know I couldn't pass that up. THe ride was as good as usual.It was arouind 7:45 and time for a haunted house. I headed to Funhouse of Fear. I loved it. The 3D glasses they gave you didn't stay on very well, but thats ok. There were plenty of strobe lights in it, which is a good thing. Towards the end where its a maze of mirrors one clown came out of NO WHERE with his horn and really got me good. It was a very very good haunted house.After that I headed to Ripsaw Falls, but on the way to it you had to walk through the main street through Hide and Shrieeek(Toon Lagoon). On that street there was fog everywhere, some parts it was so dense you couldn't see where your walking.They set up lasers around the area abouve you so when you look up it looks like your under water, which looker really cool.Also on the street was box type things that were painted white and black and standing against them were people dressed in costumes that looked exactly like the box they were on. There was one person on each side. They each had a little box that had coins or something in it, so when they rattle it it makes noise.Once again I did not see one of these people and boy did that guy freak me out, lol.So I finally got to Ripsaw Falls. Alot of you know how good the drop is during the day, well, its even better at night.The next haunted house was the Jungle of Doom. It was pretty decent. The whole junlge part of was awesome. You had NO clue where anyone was hiding. One part of it, which I'm guessing was a cabin or something smelled like sh*t. It was great!I then got a drink and chilled for a bit. Then it was time for Pshyco Scarepy. This was one great house. It was incredible,especially the bathroom part of it. I won't spoil it for anone but the smell was just plain disgusting(Can you guess what itsmelled like?). I never smelled anything like that before. Anyways, Pshyco Scarepy was by far the best haunted house there.From there I went to JP River Adventure. The ride was good as always, but I think its better during the day because you see more. I noticed I missed one HH back on Hide and Shrieeek. It was Ship of Screams.It was ok. There wasn't anything special about it and it certainly didn't match up to the other haunted houses they had there.So from SoS I wnet to DD. They are incredible at night to ride.I still think Fire is the best of the 2. Right after my ride on Ice I noticed the Infestation thing starting. It's supposed to be a new movie the Director is doing. You get a box put over your head and something dumped into it like snakes or roaches. I'd love to do it.It was now about 10:30 and I was starving. There was some place in Boo-Ville(Suess Landing) that had some great pizza. So I had that and some chocolate milk for dinner. I then went to Posiedens Fury, which is good every time I see it.After taking a bit of a break It was timefor the Director in the All Night Drive In haunted house. I thought it would be a lot better than it was. The Director was cool, and some parts of the HH were cool, but overall it wasn't that great.Then it was time for the best guy ever. The Caretaker. Even though he wasn't the main guy this year and didn't have a bigrole in Screamhouse Revisited he is still the best. The line for it was about 30 min. This year's Screamhouse was better than last years, but not by much. The best part of it was the room with the body parts everwhere.I rode Spiderman 3 more times and saw a very hilalious Bill and Ted show, bought a shirt, and left at about 1:30. I say again, this may have been the best year yet.Best Haunted House: Phsyco ScarepyWorst Haunted House: TIE between Ship of Screams and All Night Drive In
Eh, what's up?

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