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Postby [jonrev] on April 25th, 2010, 9:39 pm
Mallrats. Awesome. Watch. Now.

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Postby monsterfan99 on April 25th, 2010, 9:46 pm
Ace in the Hole - A must watch and classic Kurt Douglas. Track down the Criterion edition as the bonus features are outstanding.

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Postby w00dland on April 26th, 2010, 12:13 am
Finally got around to seeing Avatar now that it was at the Budget.

Overall, I really liked it. I DO think that the movie stole specific ideas and scenes from other sci fi movies (Matrix, Terminator, Star Wars, even Independence Day) which I found funny and didn't mind so much. Yeah, the Navi looked really lifelike, and yeah, it was the same plot as Pocahontas rated PG-13 instead of for kids, but it kept me very entertained for 2.5 hours, which isn't always easy to do.
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Postby onyxhotel08 on April 26th, 2010, 12:14 am
U need to see it in 3D which I hear makes a big difference...they want to release it in 3D Blu-ray next year,
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Postby Jackluver18 on May 2nd, 2010, 5:14 pm
Just saw Nightmare on Elm Street, I never saw the original but I do know they changed the storyline around from child murderer to pedophile and that it was a new Freddy. Let's just say half the time my heart was in my throat and I was scared to death. I only wanted to see it because it was filmed near my hometown. From the parts that I did see were good, from the parts I didn't see well I guess they were good from what I heard, I don't really know. It was ok, the ending made me lose my appetite for dinner that's all I know. I am not a big fan of horror movies but any movie that is filmed near my hometown I want to see. So out of 5, I give it 3.5. I heard mixed reviews about it, people saying it was horrible, I only thought it was horrible because I was scared to death. So each to their own opinion.
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Postby onyxhotel08 on May 2nd, 2010, 10:00 pm
Compared to the original, this one is dog shit. robert Englund is not too old to come back as Freddy. Wes Craven was free as far as I know (Scream 4 shooting next month). When you give too much backstory (ala 2007's Halloween) you make it less scary.
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Postby yamcha on May 4th, 2010, 10:34 pm
Nightmare on Elm street.

God this movie sucked. They took the source film choped it up and crazy glued it back together. not scary at all for me or my wife, this film went more for jump scares. even the two 8 year olds behind us were laughing at the scary parts. This film fails big time I give it a 1.

Out of all the Horror remakes its not the worst but no where close to being like the Friday the 13 remake.

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Postby Director_Guy on May 4th, 2010, 10:55 pm
This Nightmare was a lot better than the remake
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Postby Jackluver18 on May 5th, 2010, 6:57 am
^ yes that was a good one
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Postby onyxhotel08 on May 7th, 2010, 12:14 am
Spy Kids. Most fun movie for kids ever made.
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Postby onyxhotel08 on May 26th, 2010, 11:58 pm
Dear John. great cast. Very nice to watch. Not overly girly or emotional. Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum are a match made in heaven. I was impressed by the movie sets all being built in Charleston. very impressive considering the movie did not have a huge budget. As always the ending was lousy and the last hald of the movie felt rushed and hard to take serious (in other words lame), but overall a fun chick flick. 8/10
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Postby Ilovthevu' on June 6th, 2010, 9:51 am
Alice in Wonderland or Alice in Wonderland 2 should I call it - I give it 2.5 out of 4 stars. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum looked too dull, Mad Hatter wasn't giggly enough- a lot of seriousness to the character, the Red heart lady had a huge head (It was stupid for her not to be a real person, and she just looked so terrible.). Alice to me wasn't that good of an Alice.

I didn't think the plot was that good. Alice was older but still; why was her hair more brown than blonde? One mini plot was that people kept on telling Alice, that your Alice. However, Alice says no I'm not the Alice you are thinking of. The stupid plot to me though was the dragon. That came out of left field. Alice found a sword in order to defeat a dragon. What in the world? Than, Alice is in this medieval armor? The other plot was okay, and that was to dethrow the red queen. The people that were dressed in white were stupid to me though. I think the original is much better, but it doesn't hurt to see this sequel.
Last edited by Ilovthevu' on June 6th, 2010, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby onyxhotel08 on June 6th, 2010, 6:27 pm
Your review lacks any sense of grammar and sense. You need to word your sentences better.

2 Sex 2 City or Sex and the City 2

I loved the first. I love the cast and these films are only meant to entertain. Nothing else but fun humor aimed at the not-so-serious crowd. Now, the film is a bit long and sending the girls to Morocco (Dubai in the film) was unnecessary but overall if you liked the series and the original you will like this one. I did not find it vulgar or racist like some said. 8/10
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Postby monsterfan99 on June 7th, 2010, 12:46 am
MacGruber - Someone needs to wear concrete shoes for making that "movie."

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Postby onyxhotel08 on June 12th, 2010, 1:33 am
lol it flopped so hard you should see it in the .99 cent bin by August
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Postby onyxhotel08 on June 19th, 2010, 5:51 pm
Toy Story 3

best film of the year. Charming, funny and a great finish to a remarkable franchise. Worth seeing more than once. I loved it, 10/10
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Postby thedemonclown on June 23rd, 2010, 12:43 pm
Toy Story 3 Tied with UP for best pixar film ever 10/10

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Postby Jackluver18 on June 23rd, 2010, 3:21 pm
Toy Story 3, Best one out of the films. Great storyline and the ending was so sad, I enjoyed it a lot. 10/10
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Postby onyxhotel08 on June 24th, 2010, 12:43 am
Pixar can do NO wrong. One loser who gave it a rotten review on rottentomatoes gave thumbs up for Jonah Hex. Moron.
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Postby CoasterNick3157 on June 24th, 2010, 3:04 am
So has anyone seen this Whizzer "karate kid" movie yet?

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Postby Ilovthevu' on June 26th, 2010, 10:28 am
I give Toy Story 3 - 3.5 stars out of 4 stars. However, I would like to ask people what they think about some things below:

SPOILERS - Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.

The reason I give the movie 3.5 stars, and not something like 4 stars is because of stuff like Buzz Lightyear again trying to get out of the window like he did in the first movie - trying to fly to reach the window, I feel they picked a daycare just so they can have a lot of toys, and the bad toys to me weren't that great, plus why the little girl as I will explain later?

Their is no Bo Peep in the movie, and I was thinking why did they do this since she and Woody were having a thing for each other? I know, they said something about Bo Peep going to another owner, but I think the reason why their is no Bo Peep is because of all the girls in the movie. Their is Jessie cowgirl, their is Mrs. Potato Head, and their is now Barbie in this movie. That's a lot of girls out of main characters. On top of it, you have Barbie and Ken with a "love story", and you have Buzz Lightyear and Jessie with one sort of.

The other thing I don't really understand is why did they give a lot of boys toys to the little girl at the end of the movie!! Think of who the toys are, they are a cowboy and a cowgirl, space people - Buzz and aliens, and a dinosaur. Sure, the piggy bank - Hamm, and Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head maybe anyone would like, but the other toys for a girl, really???
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Postby onyxhotel08 on June 26th, 2010, 4:52 pm
All of the toys in the movie with the exception of Barbie I think can and do appeal to boys and girls. Jessie is cool. ms. Potatoe Head is hilarious. They are toys. It is misconception that boys can only play with cars/guns/military men and girls with dolls.
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Postby thedemonclown on June 26th, 2010, 7:11 pm
^^btw barbie was introduced in #2 at Al's toy barn

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Postby onyxhotel08 on June 26th, 2010, 7:55 pm
I still cannot decide if I like Woody or Buzz better. Think Woody. I love Tom Hank's voice.
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Postby Andy aka Tidalwave17 on June 26th, 2010, 11:57 pm
onyxhotel08 wrote:Pixar can do NO wrong. One loser who gave it a rotten review on rottentomatoes gave thumbs up for Jonah Hex. Moron.

^ I take it you are talking about Armond White? He always bashes Pixar, no matter what they could possibly create, he's stuck in his ways. They just recently started a petition to get him kicked off of rottentomatoes, because some people felt he destroyed Toy Story 3's deserving "100%" approval rating, which would be the first ever for a trilogy.

Ilovthevu' wrote:I give Toy Story 3 - 3.5 stars out of 4 stars. However, I would like to ask people what they think about some things below:

SPOILERS - Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.

The reason I give the movie 3.5 stars, and not something like 4 stars is because of stuff like Buzz Lightyear again trying to get out of the window like he did in the first movie - trying to fly to reach the window, I feel they picked a daycare just so they can have a lot of toys, and the bad toys to me weren't that great, plus why the little girl as I will explain later?

Their is no Bo Peep in the movie, and I was thinking why did they do this since she and Woody were having a thing for each other? I know, they said something about Bo Peep going to another owner, but I think the reason why their is no Bo Peep is because of all the girls in the movie. Their is Jessie cowgirl, their is Mrs. Potato Head, and their is now Barbie in this movie. That's a lot of girls out of main characters. On top of it, you have Barbie and Ken with a "love story", and you have Buzz Lightyear and Jessie with one sort of.

The other thing I don't really understand is why did they give a lot of boys toys to the little girl at the end of the movie!! Think of who the toys are, they are a cowboy and a cowgirl, space people - Buzz and aliens, and a dinosaur. Sure, the piggy bank - Hamm, and Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head maybe anyone would like, but the other toys for a girl, really???

^How else was Buzz suppose to get out of the room? Everything was locked. And they picked a daycare center because that was the toys' (namely Woody's) worst nightmare - to be donated away, never to see Andy again.

They cut out Bo Peep because she was, along with her sheep, a lamp of Molly's. Molly grew up, and how many 12 year olds still have little Bo Peep lamps around their room. The director, Lee Unkrich, also said that they had a hard time even giving her parts in the first two movies, since they really couldn't let the character grow or anything. They thought it would be best to get rid of her because they considered her "baggage;" they wanted Woody alone, so he could do a lot more things and grow more as a character.

And finally, I own a lot of the "official" collectibles from the movies, and my 7 year old girl cousin comes over and plays with them all the time. As long as kids have toys to play with, or something to entertain them, they are happy. I don't think it really matters what they have, as long as they enjoy what they're doing. They also picked a girl, because they wanted to have a very cute character that people would love from the first minute on screen. Most boys at that age will wreck every toy in sight, so they picked a girl, because they knew she was going to take care of them and love them.

Sorry, I don't mean to bash your post, I just thought I would shed a little light on the subject.

I loved the movie. 5/5, 10/10, 100%, however you want to rate it; I loved it. They really tied the series up nicely, and I'm glad it ended the way it did. Unfortunately, they are going to have a Toy Story short film in front of Cars 2 next year, which I think is a bad move; I say they should just end it there. I don't want to see what happens to the characters anymore; I was thoroughly satisfied with where they are, and how they ended.
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